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Opinion Piece

Friday 29th September 2023

The Freedoms & Rights Coalition Media Team

Yesterday, Brian Tamaki delivered the type of speech that makes a nation sit up and take notice.

Among all the debates, town hall meetings, and press conferences, we've yet to hear anything truly inspirational from politicians until yesterday when Brian Tamaki spoke.

Brian started his speech with, "I have a vision for this nation; I have a dream for this land... that we would once again be a freeland!"

He proceeded to lay out the type of New Zealand that would once again be a great place for Kiwi families to live in—a nation where we protect and preserve the Kiwi Way of Life.

Just over a week ago, when Brian featured on a Straight Talk Debate hosted by Bob McCoskrie from Family First, the panelists had to concede that Brian was the only leader from the Conservative parties represented who was aspirational and speaking with vision.

To be fair, multiple times recently when Brian has spoken publicly, he has projected vision. However, yesterday, Brian took it up another level, and from the steps of Parliament, he brought the one thing this nation desperately needs—clear, concise vision! And with vision, comes hope.

Many Kiwis have been feeling completely hopeless in recent times due to all the social challenges around us: the health crisis, the crime crisis, the housing crisis, the infrastructure crisis, the domestic violence crisis, and sadly, the mental health crisis. Yes, the mental health crisis continues to spiral out of control, and is it any wonder when the nation feels so hopeless.

While a good number of Kiwis are bailing on life altogether, others are also leaving this country and crossing the ditch to Australia.

Kiwis are desperate for hope. Kiwis are desperate for answers. Yet, all that's been dished up this election is a smorgasbord of excuses, half-baked or reheated policies, personal hit jobs and insults, or when all else fails, they avoid answering the question, talking in circles. What is lacking is a vision with common-sense solutions.

But what do we expect from tired, past their "used by" date politicians? This is why it makes common sense that New Zealand should introduce a law whereby politicians can only serve for a maximum of three terms. That way, we will get fresh, innovative ideas flowing through, not the stale, crusty offerings they are currently giving us.

Which leads us back to Brian. This election, he is everything these other politicians are not. He has living, tangible success outside of politics that is still evident today, not a distant memory. And the type of success that is hard to come by—evidence of having changed thousands of lives for the better without any government funding. Very few can lay claim to such an achievement.

Most politicians can only lay claim to achievements on the taxpayers' dime through others' hard work, either when in Parliament, holding the purse strings, or through government-funded roles (school, police, health), or government-funded programs. How many have personally transformed lives without any government assistance?

This is what makes Brian Tamaki unique. He is a man of action! He gets the job done no matter what the hurdles may be. This is the type of leader this nation desperately needs as we pull ourselves out of ruination.

When Cyclone Gabrielle hit, who was the leader that stepped up overnight and rallied thousands of volunteers to chip in and help our fellow Kiwis for the first couple of weeks? Yes, you guessed it, it was Brian Tamaki who rallied the ManUp network and the freedom community. At the time, he said if he was the leader of the nation, he would have rallied the whole nation to chip in and clear silt, and we could have stood Hawkes Bay back up on its feet in no time at all, rather than them still struggling all these many months later.

Take a risk this election—cast your Party Vote for Freedoms NZ so you can gain an aspirational leader in Brian Tamaki, who knows how to get the job done. One thing is for sure; he will do a much better job than any of the politicians you are currently considering voting for in National, Labour, Greens, Te Pāti Māori, ACT, or NZ First.



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