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22nd February 2022

The Freedoms & Rights Coalition Team

While many are distracted by the extreme fringe element playing up at Parliament, we remain focused on the real business at hand.

We are determined to see mandates lifted by 1st March 2022. We are keeping our plans on track, and we want to bring confidence back to peaceful protest action for genuine supporters across this country...those level-headed, salt-of-the-earth, hardworking New Zealanders who are desperate for mandates to be lifted. These are the people The Freedoms & Rights Coalition (TFRC) represent. Anything other than peaceful protest we see taking place is just a shitty sideshow trying to hijack genuine efforts.

Every day now is critical. We are 7 days out from our 1st March 2022 deadline that we’ve given this government to lift mandates.

Here’s the plan we’re rolling out over the next seven days:

1. Today 22nd Feb: A formal invitation has today been extended by us to Jacinda Ardern and her team, NZ Police, and the Wellington Mayor providing an opportunity this week for free and frank discussions. These negotiations will be attended by our lead TFRC negotiator, legal representatives and also leaders from other genuine Freedom groups involved with the Parliament protest action. This meeting will be respectful, safe, proactive and ultimately solution-focused, and provide an opportunity for legitimate concerns to be discussed.

We the people, deserve the opportunity to be heard by the current leader of this country and the Members of Parliament who are supposed to represent us. It is our democratic right as citizens, after all, we elected them.

2. Saturday 26th Feb: We will march out these mandates at significant landmarks nationwide, raising further awareness about MANDATES GONE BY 1ST MARCH. These will be held in Auckland, Tauranga, Wellington and Christchurch. Auckland’s march will feature the Auckland Harbour Bridge.

These marches will be hosted by our TFRC team who have proven over our 92 protests to date, that we are peaceful and family-focused, we operate with style, we have strong leadership, our operations are orderly, our message is clear, and we instil confidence and courage in our crowds. We love our TFRC community, and we work hard to always keep them safe. These events are not to detract from what is already happening on Parliament grounds, but rather make peaceful protests more accessible to the masses of supporters across this country who support mandates being lifted.

3. Tuesday 1st March: When 10am rolls around on Tuesday 1st March 2022 we expect this government to have lifted mandates after our negotiations. We will not accept just vague inferences from the PM. We want a clear decisive directive for mandates to be lifted.

It was always the original intention that once mandates lift we will clean out the camp on Parliament’s front lawn, so Parliament officials and Wellingtonians can return to some version of life as normal.

4. Beyond 1st March: We sincerely hope it doesn’t come to this, but if mandates are not lifted, we have mass rolling non-compliance actions underway that we will peacefully activate nation-wide, which will impact most New Zealanders. These actions can be avoided by this government and officials if they take proactive action now.

Also over these next 7 days, our TFRC team on the ground will continue to show support at Parliament grounds by way of providing peaceful security, resources, and personnel.

These next seven days are critical for New Zealand. Stand with us in solidarity, as we continue to stand up to this government.






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